The Three Types of Digital Media

There are a lot of different types of digital media that you can use to promote your business, products, and services online today. Here’s an overview of the three most popular types you should be using to get started with your online marketing strategy today.


Earned Media

When we talk about earned media, we’re referring to publicity you get from people sharing your content—or you sharing other people’s content. For example, that link a friend shared on Facebook. This is arguably one of the best ways to create digital content and reach audiences without paying for them. It’s also where many companies can fall down when it comes to social media. They think they need to share every single piece of content they have with all their followers in order to stay relevant or get their name out there.  That doesn’t work! If everyone shares everything, no one will be interested in anything because they are just getting bombarded with information. What you want to do instead is share only high-quality, relevant stuff that works well as both an online advertisement and as entertainment/information for your audience.

You also don’t want to burn your audience out by making sure you never give them any rest; if you put up ten posts per day, but always make sure each one is useful and interesting, then those who follow your page won’t mind seeing posts once or twice per day. And because some posts will get more shares than others (or comments), what could look like ten different pieces of content actually turns into several dozen unique pieces of digital media.


Owned Media

This is media that you create and control. It includes your website, social media accounts, e-newsletters and more. Sometimes referred to as owned media or inbound marketing, owned media is where your customer lives online. In today’s world, it’s necessary to build a digital presence with owned media to be successful. Owned media tells customers about what your business has to offer before they even contact you.  

Developing an audience takes time so don’t expect immediate results. Your content needs to be fresh and interesting enough for people to take notice and want to follow you regularly. Because it’s difficult to change course once you start developing a relationship with followers on different platforms, consistency is key. Followers will not stick around if they do not find value in your posts.


Paid Media

This is another word for advertising. Paid media includes display ads, email marketing, search engine marketing, social media and more. Paid media allows you to reach more people because you are paying to get your message in front of them. It also allows you to measure how well a campaign is performing—this can help you fine-tune future campaigns or even stop spending money on ineffective channels.

This type of media is great if your goal is simply brand awareness or driving traffic to your website. However, don’t expect it to convert into sales. In fact, over half of marketers say paid media isn’t effective at all when it comes to generating leads or sales. If that’s true for you too, consider investing time and money into other types of digital media instead.


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