Conversion Rate Optimization in Digital Marketing

Conversion rate optimization, or CRO, is the process of increasing the percentage of website visitors who take a desired action, such as subscribing to a mailing list, downloading a PDF or making a purchase. The CRO can be applied to all stages of the customer journey, from acquisition to retention and loyalty. Categorical targeting in digital marketing, also called interest-based targeting, is the process of selecting customers to receive a marketing campaign based on interest profiles.

CMOs are tasked with increasing the size of the pie while decreasing their reliance on advertising. This is a complicated job, but it’s one that can be achieved through a data-driven, customer-focused approach.

There are many factors that can influence a website's conversion rate, however, by far the most important factor is the offer itself - that is, the product or service being offered on the page.

In this article, we'll discuss some of the most common CRO techniques and how you can use them to increase your website's conversion rate.

Calls to Action for Specific Actions

There are three distinct areas on a website where you can add a call to action: the home page, the page that describes a product or service, and the page that displays the product or service itself.

The home page is the first thing a visitor sees when they land on your site, and it is the best place for you to present the promise of what the website is about. It should be visually compelling and invite the visitor to explore further.

The page that describes the product or service is the second area you should consider using a call to action. If you are selling a product, the product page is probably the most important page on the site. The call to action should encourage visitors to convert by giving them the information they need to make a decision.

The third and final area where a call to action should be used is the page that actually displays the product or service itself. This is the page that the visitor is most interested in seeing and the one that is most likely to lead to a conversion

Brand’s Visual Identity

If you use a brand, you should use it on your website. For example, if you are selling a product, you should use the design of your product, as well as the design of your website.

If you are using a logo, you should use it on your home page and on the product pages. The design of your logo and your website should be consistent. You can also use your brand’s identity on the email that you send to your customers.

Design Customer-Centric Pages

It’s important to remember that the customer is the focus of the page. The page should be designed to help the customer, not to sell to them. If you are selling a product, the page should clearly communicate what the product does, what it looks like, and how it works. The page should also clearly display how the product compares to its competitors. If you are selling a service, the page should include a description of what it does and how it can benefit the customer.
