Digital Marketing Tools
Digital marketing tools are the backbone of any successful digital marketing campaign. Using digital marketing tools can be incredibly helpful to your business if you know how to use them well. These days there are dozens of different kinds of digital marketing tools on the market, it used to promote almost every product and service imaginable. The three core areas are search, social media and display advertising; most others fall under these categories.
Here are some of the most popular ways to market online: SEO
(search engine optimization), PPC (pay-per-click) ads, video marketing, social
media and email marketing. There are more advanced methods like native
advertising and infographics as well.
Video ads may come across as intrusive or annoying—one study found that 75 percent of viewers report being irritated by autoplay videos with sound—but they do have their place in digital marketing campaigns because they let you capture users who aren’t specifically searching for your product or service on that device at that moment. You can run multiple versions of a banner ad with just one click, which makes them cost effective when targeted toward specific groups within your customer base. Your customers might start seeing banners not only on websites where they shop but also when using search engines, watching videos or reading blogs elsewhere on the web.
Infographics are visual representations of data; there’s a reason why Google featured so many during its How Search Works campaign last year.An image is worth a thousand words, particularly if it’s sharing new information on a trending topic your audience wants to know about. Think through how you want people to experience each piece of content, what outcome you want it to lead to and how much time each page should take up before presenting readers with an opportunity to share or move onto another piece of content. Before running any type of ad campaign, make sure you have some sort of idea as to who your target market is so that you can really develop contet they will want to read.
Infographics are not just for media sites anymore; they work
well in email marketing campaigns because customers find them visually
appealing and easy to digest quickly while standing in line at Starbucks or
killing time during a lunch break. If yours has large amounts of text without
corresponding images, people won’t bother reading everything—and you may lose
them entirely if there isn’t something immediately eye-catching about your
design. There is no single best way to do digital marketing; try out different
types and see which ones are most effective for your business goals and product
No matter what medium you choose, though, remember that
you’re trying to inform your audience about something new and interesting or
get them excited about a product. With so many different options for digital marketing, every brand will have its own unique style—but what’s most important
is getting noticed by customers.
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